Talk with the Flow Campaign

“Shall We Talk” is a mental health promotion and public education initiative launched by the Advisory Committee on Mental Health since July 2020. CEDARS-CoPE will collaborate with “Shall We Talk” for the school tour campaign “Talk with The Flow” to promote mental health awareness at HKU.
A mobile cart will be located at Centennial Campus from 10 –14 Feb 2025 to serve as an information desk, distribute souvenirs, and manage pop-up activities for HKU students and staff.
Other activities including workshops and sharing session from our guest speaker will be conducted to engage HKU students to (i) raise awareness of; (ii) enhance knowledge of mental health.
Shine Carving 光雕

Sculpting offers you a beautiful outlet to tap into your creativity, providing a unique chance to find peace and tranquility in your busy lives. Light sculptures, in particular, possess a magical quality; when crafted with care and positioned just right in sunlight, they create intricate patterns reminiscent of stunning stained glass. These works of art can bring you a sense of calm and joy, allowing you to appreciate the beauty around you.
Date: 10 Feb 2025 (Monday)
[Session 1] 2:15PM – 3:00PM
[Session 2] 3:15PM – 4:00PM
[Session 3] 4:15PM – 5:00PM
Venue: Outside Jockey Club Tower G/F
Class size: 45 students (15 students per session)
Format: Face-to-face
Language: Cantonese & English
Fee: Free
Instructor: Maeve Tang Mei Yee (Soulmate)
Register HERE
About Soulmate
Founded in 2021, Soulmate was born from a heartfelt mission: “Satisfy your soul, not society.”. The founder, with a background in psychology and a master’s degree in social work from Australia, understands the importance of mental well-being. As the certified Hong Kong agent for the Japanese founder of light sculpture, they have also embraced the role of an instructor, proudly holding a certified light sculpture diploma.
Soulmate成立於2021年,其宗旨是“Satisfy your soul, not society.” 。創辦人擁有心理學的背景並於澳洲完成社工碩士課程。身為日本光雕創辦人認證的香港代理組織,Soulmate亦會開辦光雕課程。
Alcohol Ink Fluid Art 酒精墨流體畫

This workshop aims to inspire participants and encourage self-expression through Alcohol Ink Fluid Art. The instructor will incorporate elements of expressive arts, allowing you to gain a deeper self-understanding from a different perspective, explore self-awareness and relationships with others, and develop connections within the community.
• Introduction to the background of alcohol ink
• Explanation of the principles of alcohol ink art
• Demonstration of the tools used in creating alcohol ink paintings
• Hands-on creation of alcohol ink artwork
• 介紹酒精墨水的背景
• 講解酒精墨水藝術的原理
• 講解製作酒精墨水畫的工具
• 動手製作酒精墨水畫
Date: 11 Feb 2025 (Tuesday)
[Session 1] 2:15PM – 3:00PM
[Session 2] 3:15PM – 4:00PM
[Session 3] 4:15PM – 5:00PM
Venue: Outside Jockey Club Tower G/F
Class size: 45 students (15 students per session)
Format: Face-to-face
Language: Cantonese & English
Fee: Free
Instructor: Priscilla Cheung Wan Kiu (Born to Be Art studio)
Register HERE
About Priscilla
Priscilla has a passion for unrestricted art, longing to create art based on the feelings of living in the present. Starting with learning mosaic over a decade ago, falling in love with handicraft creations, the mentor has been delving into and developing various other forms of art. It wasn’t until recent years Priscilla met ‘fluid art’, and discovered styles like alcohol ink painting and acrylic pouring. With the hope of using art to develop the mind, body, and soul, the instructor had decided to establish Born to Be Art Studio to enable everyone to create their own artworks, experience the power of speaking through art and express emotions through colours.
導師愛好不受拘束的藝術,嚮往以活在當下的感受為創作靈感,從十多年前學習馬賽克起愛上手工藝創作,期間一直鑽研並開發其他更多創作。 直至近年遇上「流體藝術」,對酒精墨水畫和壓克力流體畫等創作風格愛不釋手。 導師希望透過藝術推動身心靈發展,於是創立 Born to Be Art Studio,讓每個人也能創作屬於自己的藝術品,感受用藝術來說話,用顏色來表達情感。
“From the Other Side of the Emotional Ocean” - Talks & Sharing Sessions: Venerable Sik Hin-hung 「順流講堂」衍空法師

在「順流講 2024-25」大專院校巡迴活動中,衍空法師將以「年輕人走出情緒幽谷」為題,深入探討並解構感覺和情緒的關係。當傷心痛苦時,我們應該否定情緒嗎?還是勇敢面對及體諒自己出現這些負面情緒?衍空法師並會分享紓解壓力和建立正念的方法,為大學生帶來實用的心靈指導。探索如何應對壓力,尋求內在平靜。
Date: 12 Feb 2025 (Wednesday)
Time: 4:30-6:30pm
Venue: MB121 Main Building; Online via Zoom
Format: Hybrid
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free
Speaker: Venerable Sik Hin Hung
Students and Staff are welcome
Register HERE (student)
Register HERE (staff)
About Venerable Sik Hin Hung 釋衍空法師
Venerable Sik Hin Hung, is the Honorary Assistant Professor of Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong. He is one of the Founding Fellows of the Centre and initiated the first Master’s degree program in Buddhist Studies in Hong Kong. He excels in teaching Buddhism and meditation by adapting it to the roots of modern individuals. He is the lineage holder of the Ch’an schools of LingJi (臨濟宗) and Guiyang (溈仰宗). Ven. Hin Hung also provides counseling guidance and has published books and articles on Buddhism, psychotherapy and personal growth. His research at the university includes Awakening Training Courses, and neuroscience of meditation among other projects.
Pastel Nagomi Art 和諧粉彩

Pastel Nagomi Art is a form of healing art. The word “Nagomi” carries the meaning of harmony, calm and peace. It uses pastels to create comfortable and heart-touching art through simple and unique painting techniques – by using pastels and fingers only! Everyone could enjoy the fun of this art form founded in Japan! The mission of the medium is to achieve a society and community that is spiritually rich, healthy, harmonious and balanced. You will be able to acquire the basic techniques of Pastel Nagomi Art, experience how it brings peace of mind; and complete a piece of artwork on your own after the activity.
Date: 13 Feb 2025 (Thursday)
[Session 1] 2:15PM – 3:00PM
[Session 2] 3:15PM – 4:00PM
[Session 3] 4:15PM – 5:00PM
Venue: Outside Jockey Club Tower G/F
Class size: 45 students (15 students per session)
Format: Face-to-face
Language: Cantonese & English
Fee: Free
Instructor: Certified Pastel Nagomi Art Instructor (
Register HERE
Autotelic Art has over 100 art instructors who are registered social workers, registered expressive arts therapists, registered clinical psychologists, and registered nurses with professional backgrounds in mental health. They offer more than 30 art workshops. 擁有超過100位藝術導師,他們是註冊社工、註冊表達藝術治療師、註冊臨床心理學家和具有專業心理健康背景的註冊護士等。共提供超過30個藝術工作坊。
Tea Sensory 五感茶茗

Experience a stress-relieving tea tasting journey through the Tea Sensory Workshop. Relax your body and mind as you are guided using the simplest vessel – a bowl. Observe the color, shape, aroma, and taste of the tea leaves, allowing yourself to slowly unfold with each sip. Engage and awaken your five senses, letting the tea leaves bring you back to the present moment. Rediscover inner peace, reconnect with nature, and realise that this is more than just tasting tea – it is an immersive fine experience that captures the unique essence of tea fragrance.
在一趟紓壓的品茶體驗中,您將踏上一段紓壓的品茶之旅。在靜心的引導下,首先讓身心放鬆。透過一個最簡單的載體 – 碗,沉浸在觀察茶葉的色澤、形狀、香氣和味道之中。隨著茶葉一同慢慢展開,逐漸喚醒您的五感。讓茶葉引領您回到當下,幫助您重新發現內心的平靜,並重新建立與大自然的連結。請記住,您品的不僅僅是茶;也是沉浸在茶香中的獨特體驗。
Date: 13 Feb 2025 (Thursday)
Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Venue: CYM105, 1/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre
Class size: 50 students
Format: Face-to-face
Language: Cantonese & English
Fee: Free
Instructor: Season Li (Sora Studio)
Register HERE
About Season
Season is a Tea Artist based in Hong Kong who also fulfills the roles of Tea Master, Tea Taster, Tea Instructor, Tea Event Planner, and Tea Culture Worker. To alleviate work pressure, he started learning Chinese Tea Art and Japanese Tea Ceremony. Since 2014, he has been employed in various Tea houses and has earned certifications as a professional Tea Master and Tea Taster. He firmly believes that tea can serve as an effective medium of bringing peace to the mind.
Incense and Stress Relief 品香與紓壓

Engage in a dialogue with your body and mind through scent awareness. Aromatic incense helps dissipate stress and anxiety, reigniting the power of your mind and body.
The soothing aroma of quality incense effectively relaxes the mind, uplifts the spirit, and alleviates anxiety. Guided by the elegant scent of natural sandalwood, the instructor leads participants in deep breathing, helping to calm the mind and spirit. Sandalwood aids in calming the body and mind, fostering focused thoughts, and is particularly beneficial for restoring a sense of peacefulness.
In harmony with rhythmic sounds, it permeates the heart and helps release negative emotions and thoughts such as stress, worries and restlessness. Step by step towards tranquility, sensing the pulse anew, shifting the focus to the inner axis.
Resonant frequencies spread throughout the body, synchronising body and mind,
to reach a harmonious, tranquil, and serene state.
Date: 14 Feb 2025 (Friday)
Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm
Venue: CYM302, 3/F, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre
Class size: 50 students
Format: Face-to-face
Language: Cantonese & English
Fee: Free
Instructor: Tat Chang (Yuan’s Incense)
Register HERE
About Yuan’s Incense 香學 • 學香
Yuan’s Incense believes human and nature are inherently connected. By crafting incense using natural ingredients, we are guided back to our essence through scents, anchoring us in the present.
香學 • 學香主張人與大自然本為一體,堅持不用化學材料,以天然原材料製作香品,透過氣味,帶領我們回歸自性,安住當下,品嘗真實的氣味,感受平靜的氣息。
The Sound of Music 順流音樂靜心禪

Students often forget to empty their minds and live in the moment amid everyday pressures. Widely used in music therapy, music instruments such as handpans and crystal singing bowls can produce soft watery tones that help relieve stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve our physical and mental well-being. Various music therapy instruments will be placed next to the “Lift-you-up Cart”. Just play at will to clear your mind and enjoy a healing meditation session.
You are invited to put down your phone, set aside what you are currently doing for 10 minutes, quiet your mind, and focus on experiencing a music journey led by the music guide Kawa, guiding each 10-minute session in the present moment.
Suitable for: Those who love music and nature, inner exploration, or those in need of deep rest, suffering from insomnia, or experiencing high levels of stress.
Date & Time: (10-minute sessions)
10 Feb 2025 (Monday) 12:00pm – 3:00pm
12 Feb 2025 (Wednesday) 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Outside Jockey Club Tower G/F
Format: Face-to-face
Language: Cantonese & English
Fee: Free
Instructor: Kawa
Registration not required